There is a Place like Home

Mani In Pasta
Is an Italian restaurant run by Pasquale Maisto and Mersia Nogarotto who dreamed to bring a piace of Italy to Ireland motiveted by their love for their country.
Pasquale Maisto is the Chef, he is from Frattaminore a small municipality in the metropolitan city of Naples.
Mersia Nogarotto is the general manager, she is from Salto di Fondi
a small village between Rome and Naples on the sea side.
Our goal is to make simple,tasty,authentic and homemade italian food by using fresh, local and finest Italian imports ingredients in all our dishes.
We promise each dishes will you a little taste of italy in each bite and keep you coming back for more.
The food we offer at Mani In Pasta Restaurant is the food we grew up with in italy, what we eat at home. Taste how semplicity can be.

Contact Us
14 Duke Street Athy Co. Kildare
​Tes - Thu: 12am - 21:00pm
​​Fri - Sun : 12am - 21.30pm​
Monday Closed